Hungary to introduce redesigned 1,000-forint in 2018

While going over some old news reports I realised that I forgot to post about the new 1,000-forint banknote the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary) has planned to enter into circulation on 1 March 2018.

The redesigned note resembles the current 1,000-forint banknote but has added design elements and security features. This note is part of a larger plan to redesign all current notes. More information can be found in this beautiful and very informative leaflet.


Steven Tuesday 28 November 2017 at 09:54 am | | news | No comments
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Kenya to get new banknote family in Q2 of 2018?

Do you remember the news from Kenya where the Constitution adopted in 2010 prohibits the use of a person’s portrait on banknotes? The Central Bank of Kenya has ever since been struggeling to get the new family of banknotes out. Kenya has had problems with printer De la Rue which led to delays with the issuing of the new currency.

According to this article in the Standard Digital Kenya will finally get its new banknotes and coins by the second quarter of 2018 (in June at the latest). The article however also shows that the dispute with De la Rue hasn't been resolved yet. So let's not bet all our money on June 2018 yet, shall we?

Update 5-1-2018: Did you listen to me? Haven't you been betting on a Q2 introduction? Good! Because as somewhat expected the notes have been delayed even further according to this article. The High Court froze the contract that was awarded to De La Rue for the printing of new banknotes. These notes without portraits of political or historical figures, as mandated by the Kenyan Constitution, will therefore NOT be available by mid 2018...

Update 10-1-2018: Even worse for De la Rue: now the contract has been cancelled altogether. The court "...ordered that all four tenders should be re-evaluated within 14 days. The three other bidders were Giesecke & Devrient of Germany, Sweden’s Crane Currency and Oberthur Fiduciaire of France." Both the Central Bank and De la Rue announced they would appeal the decision.

Steven Tuesday 28 November 2017 at 09:39 am | | news | No comments
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Armenia presents concept design for new series

More news from Armenia. The Central Bank of Armenia has released the concept design of the new series which will be issued from 22 November 2018, on the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the national currency. 

These new notes were designed by Edward Kurginyan, Vardan Vardanyan and Suren Simonyan. In the new series we can see that the 100,000-dram note is not present but the Central Bank stated that the current notes will continue to be used. As for the new 2,000-dram note: that one will probably be released earlier than 22 November 2018 because of the high demand for this denomination. 

The faces on the new notes are: 

The concept design looks a lot like a fantasy note but I'm sure the final design will be toned down a bit as it usually is. But to be honest, I actually like the concept design a lot so I hope they won't dial it down too much. 

Image source

Update 12-10-2018: a video showing the new banknotes!

Steven Sunday 26 November 2017 at 11:31 pm | | news | No comments
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Armenia issues commemorative 500-dram note

The Central Bank of Armenia has introduced a new commemorative banknote of 500-dram on 22 November 2017. The note commemorates the Ark of Noah which according to the Bible came to rest upon the mount Ararat in Armenia after the flood. 

The note shows on the front a relic from Noah’s Ark in green-gold Kinegram and the Etchmiadzin Cathedral building (the oldest cathedral in the world), Mount Ararat and a flying dove with an olive branch in it beak (a symbol that the flood was over and land was returning). The back of the note shows again Mount Ararat and some animals and birds with Noah and his family. We can also see a flying eagle in the sky. 

The note measures 140 x 76 mm, is a hybrid composite and was printed by Giesecke & Devrient

Steven Sunday 26 November 2017 at 11:09 pm | | news | No comments

Kazakhstan introduces redesigned 500-tenge banknote

The National Bank of Kazakhstan has announced that a newly designed 500-tenge banknote has been issued to the public from 22 November 2017.

The design of the blue note now looks more like the other banknotes from the current series: on the front is the monument "Kazak Eli" on the right side of the banknote and images of the flying doves in the bottomcenter. The back shows the Caspian Sea and the map of Kazakhstan. Also some birds can be seen flying. 

Steven Sunday 26 November 2017 at 10:59 pm | | news | No comments
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North Korea issues commemorative overprint

It seems not only rockets and propaganda are flying out of North Korea but also a new commemorative banknote.

It's actually the same 5,000-won note we already know but it has been overprinted with a text commemorating the first wife of the founder of North Korea Kim-Il SungKim Jong-suk. She is the grandmother of the current leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un and was born in 1917. 

Steven Sunday 19 November 2017 at 11:48 am | | news | No comments

Kyrgyzstan issues first commemorative banknote

On 7 November 2017 the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan has introduced a new commemorative note of 2,000-som. The note has been issued to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Kyrgyz Republic and the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the national currency. The design reflects the history of the formation of Kyrgyz statehood: from ancient times to the present day. 

From the press release: "On the front side of the banknote the main image is the monument to the national hero Manas, who united the Kyrgyz tribes, which are represented on the banknote in the form of stylized ornamental figures. The image of the symbol "Umai Ene", personifies the oldest deity, which is the progenitor of all Turkic peoples. The image of the traditional dwelling of nomadic peoples - yurts - is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.  

On the reverse side of the banknote the main image is the tree as a symbol of the life and prosperity of the Kyrgyz people. The image of the majestic mountain Khan-Tengri symbolizes the independent spirit of the Kyrgyz people, striving for high achievements and successes. A floating golden eagle against the background of the unique mountain lake Issyk-Kul, symbolizes the openness and freedom of the Kyrgyz people."  

The main security elements are: 

  • Color hologram. When the banknote is tilted from left to right, the figure "25" changes to the national pattern, and vice versa. 
  • Micro-optical band. When you change the viewing angle of the banknote on the strip, the three-dimensional depth effect, the volume effect, the radiance effect and the motion effect become visible. 
  • Hidden image. When the banknote is tilted, rainbow bands appear.
  • An iridiscent strip on the reverse side of the banknote is represented by a two-color image of a soaring bird.
  • Watermark. Three-dimensional multi-tone watermark, an electrotype of digital value. 
  • Pass-through register. Overlapping images on the front and backsides of the banknote make the number "2000". 

Steven Sunday 19 November 2017 at 11:28 am | | news | No comments

Malawi plans introduction of 5,000-kwacha note

The Reserve Bank of Malawi is planning to issue a new banknote of 5,000-kwacha. The current highest denomination in Malawi is the 2,000-kwacha note introduced about a year ago. However, this note has lost a lot of value making it necessary for the citizens of Malawi to carry a lot of banknotes with them.

Time will tell if the 5,000-kwacha will be the last new denomination or if perhaps a future 10,000-kwacha note will also be necessary.

Steven Wednesday 08 November 2017 at 09:51 am | | news | No comments
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Transnistria commemorates the Russian revolution

Recently I fantasized what the new Russian banknotes would have looked like had the Soviet Union not collapsed. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution and you bet those old Commies would have marked that occassion with a nice commemorative banknote. Sadly, or luckily depending on your political orientation, the Soviet Union has ceased to exist so no commemorative banknotes from Russia this year celebrating Lenin & friends.

But does that mean that this historical event isn't remembered at all for us notaphilists? No. Leave it up to the Transnistrian Republican Bank to remember, remember the 7th of November. Or 25 October according to the old Julian calendar. Their flag kind of gave it away right?

The tiny break-away state which is formally a part of Moldova and isn't recognized by any official UN-member state, has issued two new commemorative notes of 1- and 5-ruble celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution. No more that 5,000 pieces of each denomination will be issued. A total of 2,983 pieces of each denomination were issued into circulation. 2,017 pieces of each denomination are packaged in booklets (two banknotes in a set) and sold as a numismatic product.

The two new banknotes have a similar size and design as the banknotes which were issued in 2012. There is however a special marking on the right side of the banknote showing the Order of the October Revolution with the inscriptions: "100 YEARS" at the top and "OCTOBER REVOLUTION" (both in Russian of course) at the bottom.

Steven Wednesday 08 November 2017 at 09:21 am | | news | No comments

Venezuela announes new 100,000-bolivares note

Dictator President Maduro has announced that the Central Bank of Venezuela will issue a new note of 100,000-bolivares to the public. Its worth is very low since the country (which potentially could be the richest country in South America) is struck by financial, political and economical chaos and hyperinflation. Like everything else in Venezuela, they seem to have f***ed up this banknote as well... 

The design of the 'new' banknote is very similar to the 'old' 100-bolivares note apart from the color. The same image of Simon Bolivar and the birds on the back has been used. The number on the note is also a simple 100 but the real value can be read beneath the number. I'm sure that won't cause any confusion...

New 100,000-bolivares:

Old 100-bolivares:

Steven Saturday 04 November 2017 at 5:12 pm | | news | No comments

ECCB orders new 50-dollar banknote

The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) has decided that a new 50-dollar banknote will be introduced honoring its late Governor Sir K. Dwight Venner. His image will be displayed as a permanent tribute to his legacy.

"The late Honourable Sir K Dwight Venner, former Governor of the ECCB, served the ECCB member countries and the wider Caribbean with distinction over a 26-year period. As a lasting tribute to his sterling contribution, the ECCB engaged the services of De La Rue, the authorised printer of its circulation banknotes, to prepare design concepts for a new $50 note bearing the image of Sir Dwight, in addition to the standard security features of the existing banknotes."

A date of issue hasn't been mentioned yet. 

The ECCB is the Central Bank for Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Anguilla. 

Steven Saturday 04 November 2017 at 4:50 pm | | news | No comments

Vanuatu completes new series with 500-vatu note

The Reserve Bank of Vanuatu (RBV) has introduced the last note of the new series. This 500-vatu note is printed on polymer just like the other notes in the new series. 

From the press release: "Like the new VT5000 banknote released earlier in July, the new VT500 note will also incorporate an effective tactile feature to assist visually impaired people. The new banknote incorporates the theme of 'culture' and features the frontage of the original 'Nakamal blong ol Jifs', and other cultural activities such as sand drawing and traditional dancing. In continuation with existing practice of replaced paper notes, the new banknote will co-circulate the existing VT500 paper note as legal tenders. RBV will continue to withdraw all the replaced paper notes from public circulation until such time when the Bank decides to demonetize them."

Vanuatu’s banknotes are made by Note Printing Australia Limited, a subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Update 19-11-2017: better pictures (source). They look pretty nice right?

Steven Saturday 04 November 2017 at 4:41 pm | | news | No comments
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Cambodia issues two notes of 1,000- and 5,000 riels

The National Bank of Cambodia has issued two new banknotes of 1,000- and 5,000 riels to celebrate the anniversary of the coronation of King Norodom Sihamoni

The 1,000 riels note measures 142 x 68 mm, is light blue, blue and dark yellow. The 5,000 riels note has the same measurements and has purple and brown as its colors. 

Steven Sunday 29 October 2017 at 3:21 pm | | news | No comments
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Kazakhstan to switch from Cyrillic to Latin alphabet

The country of Kazakhstan has announced it will change its alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin. The move is part of a modernization and development effort. But the move is also viewed as an attempt to distance the language from Russian and promote nationalism.

"The Latin alphabet will have 32 letters. Certain sounds will be covered by the use of apostrophes. The change over is scheduled to be fully implemented by 2025.

This probably means that the text on banknotes will also be modified. 

Steven Sunday 29 October 2017 at 3:10 pm | | news | No comments
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Russia reveals two new banknotes

The Central Bank of Russia has revealed the new 200- and 2,000-ruble banknotes.

The 200-rubles note is green and shows in the front the Monument to the Scuttled Ships in Sebastopol. The back shows a view of "Tauric Chersonesus" (Southern Crimea). It is printed on high density cotton paper with polymeric impregnation to insure longer life.

The 2,000-rubles note is dark blue and shows on the front the Russky Bridge in Vladivostock, with the Spaceport "Vostochny" on the back. The optically variable security element depicts a stylized image of the bridge against a background of the sun.

It seems they chose a slightly different design for the 2,000-rubles note than previously announced. But if it's a space related theme you won't hear me complaining!

Update 20-10-2017: Ukraine has officially banned the new 200-ruble banknote because it shows images from the annexed territory of the Crimea. "The National Bank of Ukraine said the ban covered all Russian currencies showing "maps, symbols, buildings, monuments" and other objects "based in Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia".This means the 200-ruble note will not be converted into local currency by Russians who travel to Ukraine.

Steven Friday 13 October 2017 at 08:49 am | | news | No comments
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