New banknotes for Fiji presented

Today Fiji announced the design for the new banknotes. Queen Elizabeth II has indeed been removed but not replaced by dictators or other people as some feared, but by birds, fish, flowers and an insect. The new currency will be issued to the public on 2 January 2013.

The design of the new banknotes:

$5     Red-throated lorikeet (bird) – this will be a polymer note
$10   Lever’s goby (fish)
$20   The Fiji petrel (bird)
$50   Tagimoucia (flower) 
$100 Cicada (insect)

Update: you can view the presentation of the new banknotes in this video, skip to 56:00 for the notes. I've finally managed to find decent high resolutuon pictures of the new banknotes. I think the design by De la Rue is beautiful! 

Steven Wednesday 12 December 2012 at 09:36 am | | news
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