Janet Yellen confirmed as new Fed chairman
Janet Yellen has been confirmed by the US Senate as the next chairman of the Federal Reserve. From 1 February 2014 she will be the first woman who will hold this position.
The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States who is reponsible, amongst many other things, for the printing of the US dollars. The shareholders of the Fed are the 12 banks from the Federal Reserve Districts. On the front of every dollar note you can find the letter and corresponding number of the District bank who issued that particular note.
- Federal Reserve Bank of Boston A 1
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York B 2
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia C 3
- Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland D 4
- Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond E 5
- Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta F 6
- Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago G 7
- Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis H 8
- Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis I 9
- Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City J 10
- Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas K 11
- Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco L 12

Image from Onedollarbill.org.
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