Kurdistan to issue its own banknotes?
Numismatic News has an interesting article about the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey who want to issue their own money in the areas they control (southeastern Turkey (Northern Kurdistan), northern Syria (Western Kurdistan), northern Iraq (Southern Kurdistan), and western Iran (Eastern Kurdistan)). It's interesting to see that at the same time ISIS (or IS) also have plans to issue their own money but won't issue any banknotes in contrast to the plans of the PKK.
Below is an image that is supposed to be the new Kurdish money, picturing their captive leader Abdullah Öcalan.

the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey - See more at: http://www.numismaticnews.net/article/kurdistan-militants-seek-own-currency?et_mid=724960&rid=245938659#sthash.c6fyKsJX.dpuf
the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey - See more at: http://www.numismaticnews.net/article/kurdistan-militants-seek-own-currency?et_mid=724960&rid=245938659#sthash.c6fyKsJX.dpuf
the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey - See more at: http://www.numismaticnews.net/article/kurdistan-militants-seek-own-currency?et_mid=724960&rid=245938659#sthash.c6fyKsJX.dpuf
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