USA announces new $10 with a woman's face on it

Exciting (and historic) news today from the USA! The US Treasury Department has announced it will redesign the the $10-note as the first note of a new theme and in the process introduce a woman. Alexander Hamilton's face will still be present on the note but it hasn't been made clear how they will practically do this. The possibility of two seperate notes is also on the table (do I hear a possible commemorative issue?). 

As most of you are surely aware, there has been much debate lately to place a woman on an US banknote. Most of the discussion involves which woman should get the honour. Less time had been spend on the question which banknote should have its face replaced. The $20 featuring the face of Andrew Jackson was the most likely candidate according to the action group Women on 20's

However, the competition seems to be wide open again which woman will have her face on the new note, according to the statement on the Treasury Department's site:

The next generation of currency will revolve around the theme of democracy. The first note, the new $10, will feature a notable woman. In keeping with that theme, it’s important that you make your voice heard. Use #TheNew10 to tell us your ideas, symbols, designs or any other feedback that can inform the Secretary as he considers options for the $10 redesign.

"America’s currency is a way for our nation to make a statement about who we are and what we stand for," says Jack Lew, Treasury Secretary. "I’m proud that the new 10 will be the first bill in more than a century to feature the portrait of a woman."

The new note will be revealed in 2020 on the 100th anniversary of the US Constitution’s 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote in the USA.

Steven Thursday 18 June 2015 at 08:48 am | | news
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