Kazakhstan to issue new 20,000-tenge

The National Bank of Kazakhstan will introduce a new 20,000-tenge note on 1 December according to this press release. The size of the note is 155x79 mm and the color is blue-gray. The date of issue, 1 December, is the 'Day of the First President of Kazakhstan'. Until now the highest denomination in Kazakhstan was the 10,000-tenge note but a 38% drop in the value of the tenge in the last three months prompts a higher denomination. The new note had already been made in 2013 so perhaps it was on the shelf for this occasion?  

The front of the note shows the Kazakh Eli monument commemorating Kazakhstan's independence, and on the other side is the presidential palace.

Other notes in this series have won awards for IBNS Banknote of the Year so obviously the design appeals to some people (myself not included I'm afraid). Will this be another winner?  

Steven Tuesday 01 December 2015 at 8:38 pm | | news
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