Argentina issues new 20-peso note

The Banco Central de la República Argentina is in the process of issuing the new Flora and Fauna-series. At the end of last year the frontsides of the new 20-, 50-, 100- and 1,000-pesos notes were shown on a website. I made the remark then that they looked a bit too saturated and the final notes would be toned down a bit in color. 

On 3 October 2017 the 20-peso note has been issued and it seems my feeling was correct because it looks more 'real' and less like 'monopoly money' now. The front of the red-colored note shows the image of a Guanaco and flowers. The back shows more flowers, a baby Guanaco, a lake and cloud in Patagonia and a map of the Argentinian sea. 

Steven Sunday 08 October 2017 at 1:00 pm | | news
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