East African Community moving towards one currency

The member states of the East African Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) have signed a monetary-union deal. One aspect of this deal is a 10-year timeline for the establishment of a regional single currency. The agreement is the result of nearly a decade of talks. The member states will now try to establish institutions (like a regional central bank and a statistics body) to support the single currency.

"With a total population of about 135 million people, East Africa is becoming an investment magnet following a flurry of natural-gas and oil discoveries. Uganda and Kenya have discovered huge amounts of oil, while Tanzania boasts of huge natural-gas reserves. International companies have already started exploiting these resources, and the region is poised to become the next major energy hub in Sub Saharan Africa."

Steven Sunday 01 December 2013 at 2:48 pm | | news
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