Macedonia denies printing of 'Alexander' banknotes

According to a Greek news site the Central Bank of Macedonia has denied rumours circulating in Greek media that a 200 denar banknote would be issued with the image of Alexander the Great riding his horse, Bucephalus on it.

"Concerning information in the media about new paper currency we are supposed to have issued. We wish to clarify that no-one can use paper currency images without having first received the Central Bank Council approval. The Central Bank of FYROM has not approved any of the banknotes featured in the media."

So, why did Greeks spread this rumour? And why is Macedonia denying it so fiercly? Here's an article in Der Spiegel with more info on the dispute between Greece and Macedonia. It goes all the way back to antiquity and it has to do with the name Macedonia. Is the 'real' Macedonia the country that's a part of former Yugoslavia or is it the region in the north of Greece with the same name? The 'real' Macedonians would be the 'legitimate descendants' of Alexander the Great and Aristotle.

Yes, I'm using that many apostrophes for a reason...

Steven Tuesday 21 January 2014 at 1:21 pm | | news
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