Kuwait issues 6th series of banknotes
Despite earlier news reports that Kuwait was going to issue polymer notes, the Central Bank of Kuwait has just unveiled its new series and as it turns out: they're still made of paper. So much for the reliability of the media
From the information leaflet: "The sixth issue of the new Kuwaiti dinar banknotes utilizes the Kuwaiti flag as the inspirational background on all the new banknotes. The new banknotes were designed independently so as to feature the diverse factors that Kuwait is comprised of including its desert and marine life, historical elements such as the ancient Greek ruins in Failaka to the first Kuwaiti coin, cultural items like the traditional wooden Kuwaiti door, industrial features including an oil tanker and refinery, elements that reflect Kuwait’s past commercial activities such as traditional sailing vessels and pearl diving and lastly, architectural landmarks that symbolize Kuwait including the Seif Palace, Kuwait National Assembly Building, Kuwait Towers, Liberation Tower, Grand Mosque and Central Bank of Kuwait’s new building. (...) Every new banknote has a unique background design that is inspired from Islamic art. (...) Each banknotes’ theme dictates its colour. The KD 20 banknote’s main colour is blue because the featured theme includes elements of Kuwait’s marine life. The KD 10 banknote’s strongest colour is orange and light brown so as to reflect the desert theme that runs throughout the banknote. The remaining banknotes all feature one main colour that mirrors the main theme of the banknote itself."
Check out the images below for the design of this beautiful new series. The new banknotes will enter circulation from 29 June 2014.
1/4 dinar

Dominating colour: brown, 110mm x 68mm. Front: Liberation Tower. Back: traditional wooden Kuwaiti door and the first Kuwaiti coin.
1/2 dinar

Dominating colour: green, 120mm x 68mm. Front: Kuwait Towers. Back: Hawksbill sea turtle and a Silver Pomfret.
1 dinar

Dominating colour: grey, 130mm x 68mm. Front: the Grand Mosque. Back: real-life illustration of many influences of ancient Greek civilization in Kuwait’s island of Failaka.
5 dinar

Dominating colour: purple, 140mm x 68mm. Front: new Central Bank building. Back: oil refinery and oil tanker.
10 dinar

Dominating colour: reddish orange, 150mm x 68mm. Front: Kuwait National Assembly building. Back: falcon and a seated camel dressed in Sadu saddle.
20 dinar

Dominating colour: blue, 160mm x 68mm. Front: Seif palace. Back: Al-Boom traditional Kuwaiti dhow and a pearl diver.
A video of the new banknotes and their place in history:
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