Exhibition 'The New Face of the Euro'
From 23 July until 1 September the city of Den Haag (The Hague) hosts the exhibition 'The New Face of the Euro'. Goal of the exhibition is to educate the public on the eurocoins, euro banknotes, its history, the future of the euro and of course show the second series of banknotes. On 23 September the new 10 euro note will be put into circulation.
Because it was the first chance for me to actually see the new note upclose, I visited the exhibition in the Atrium (main hall) of the City Hall on the 23rd. Below you can find some pictures I took. Unfortunately I only had my phone as a camera but I hope it will give a good impression. If you plan to visit as well, check out the Facebook page of the Atrium with all the information.
And now for the pictures:
The exhibition starts off with the past. A nice display of the old banknotes from the different euro countries. For any collector I beautiful and perhaps also a little sad sight to see. You get a good sense of how beautiful our old money was. Below are two examples from Slovakia and the Netherlands.

Another nice piece was a dress or coat made entirely out of old banknotes. Someone standing nearby made a remark that the dress could be worth thousands of euros but we collectors can see that the banknotes used are the cheaper ones. Still, a remarkable piece.

And last but not least, the reason why I came in the first place: the new 10 euro note. I have to admit: in real life it looks great. The color is really bright and in my opinion it's the best looking euro note so far.

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