ECB presents new 100- and 200-euro banknotes
The European Central Bank has presented the new banknotes of 100 and 200 euro. These are the last two banknotes of the second 'Europa' series since the 500-euro note won't be printed anymore. The new notes will start circulating from 28 May 2019.
From the press release: "The new €100 and €200 banknotes make use of new and innovative security features. Just like the other denominations, the new notes are easy to check when using the “feel, look and tilt” method. At the top of the silvery stripe a satellite hologram shows small € symbols that move around the number and become clearer under direct light. The silvery stripe also shows the portrait of Europa, the architectural motif and a large € symbol. The new €100 and €200 banknotes also feature an enhanced emerald number. While the emerald number itself is present on all the other notes of the Europa series, this enhanced version also shows € symbols inside the numerals.
The new €100 and €200 notes are a different size to the old €100 and €200 notes. Both denominations are now the same height as the €50 banknote. However, their length remains unchanged – the longer the note, the higher the value. Since the €50, €100 and €200 banknotes are now the same height, they can be more easily handled and processed by machines. They will also fit better in people’s wallets and last longer, as they will be subject to less wear and tear.
In addition to the security features that can be seen with the naked eye, euro banknotes also contain machine-readable security features. On the new €100 and €200 banknotes these features have been enhanced, and new ones have been added to enable the notes to be processed and authenticated swiftly. As Executive Board Member Yves Mersch highlighted in his speech unveiling the new banknotes, with the changeover to the new €100 and €200 the entire set of euro banknotes will continue to offer strong protection against counterfeiting. This makes euro banknotes even more secure, but also easier to check and handle."

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