Funny proposals for new Australian banknotes
Say what you will about Australia but they can play one hell of a game of rugby and they like to have some fun. And when it comes to fun their banknotes are no exception. Last week a petition started to change the denomination of the current Australian dollar to 'dollarydoos', which is a reference to the Simpsons cartoon. Right now almost 50,000 people have signed the petition. While it will never happen, it sure sounds great!

Another Australian artist has taken a much more serious approach to a new series of banknotes. Well, serious, more professional is perhaps a better word. Unsatisfied with the people represented on the current banknotes (because who knows who they are anymore?) Melbourne artist Aaron Tyler decided to design some new banknotes with images and faces every Australian who lives right now will recognize. So the whole set has become a interesting who's-who for 'Straylian' (pop)culture. Steve Irwin and Dame Edna on a banknote: brilliant!

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