New banknotes Libya today?

The Libya Herald reports that the long awaited new banknotes will be issued today.

The Central Bank of Libya says that it will start issuing new Libyan banknotes as of thursday. The notes have face values of one, five, ten and twenty dinars. There were plans to bring in a 50 dinars note but the Bank decided against it in a bid to control the black economy. According to the Bank’s Facebook page, there will be a special event at the Bank in the morning to launch the new notes attended by the chairman, Saddek Elkaber, the vice chairman, members of the board and  CEOs of other banks. The new notes arrived on Wednesday at Mitiga airbase and will slowly replace the old ones.

Given the bad information in the past about the Central Bank and the new banknotes, I will only believe it when I see it.

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Steven Donderdag 31 Januari 2013 - 09:18 am | | news
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