Design of new banknote Iceland is finished
From the News of Iceland: "The development and design of a new Iceland bank note or bill, is finished. The 10 thousand ISK bill will be initiated this year, probably this spring. The first bills will come to Iceland this spring, around the same time as the Eurasian golden plover, a common bird in Iceland that will appear somewhere on the bill.
Graphic designer and artist Kristín Þorkelsdóttir developed the ten thousand ISK bank note. She says it was a lot of work, but that the bill will be beautiful. Kristin also designed the other Icelandic bills currently in use.
Jónas Hallgrímsson (1807-1845), natural scientist and poet will appear on the bill as well as the Eurasian golden plover. Jonas Hallgrimsson was interested in the plover and mentioned her in some of his poems."
Update 3 april 2013: there are reports that the new note won't be issued until the autumn or winter of 2013.

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