Next step towards new Swiss banknotes

Switzerland is working on a new banknote series but the production of these new notes has faced some problems which led to inevitable delays. The new notes were supposed to be issued back in 2010 but are currently delayed until 2015 when the new 50 francs note will be the first to be issued.

An important step has now been taken with the choice for the security paper which will be used. Swiss franc banknotes are regarded as one of the safest currencies with regard to security measures taken so this is obviously a big deal. Not surprisingly Switzerland has chosen the paper from their own factory Landqart for the new series. The new notes wil be printed on the Durasafe paper which was first used by Morocco for their latest 25 dinar banknote.

Below the final drafts of the design by Manuela Pfrunder. The issued banknotes won't be exactly the same but the final design won't be made public until shortly before they're issued.

Steven Woensdag 07 Mei 2014 - 09:34 am | | news
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