New SCWPM General Issues 1368-1960 available

At the new and 15th edition of the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money General Issues 1368-1960 has been released. This pick-catalog (although heavily criticized and more and more replaceable by better alternatives like The Banknote Book) is still a standard in collecting banknotes.

The 'Pick'-catalog for the older notes is now in it's 15th edition. There is some very good news for us collectors because this edition is finally available as a digital version so it can be used on your iPad for instance. This means that all three Standard Catalogs bij Krause Publications are now available as a digital PDF-file. No more carrying around kilo's of dead trees when you visit a fair or auction.

The paper edition is of course also still available. The catalog of General Issues 1368-1960 can be picked up here for (at the moment) $52.99. But if you sign up for the newsletter from shopnumismaster you will receive discounts and coupons on a very regular basis. So you should be able to get it cheaper than the current price (I bought mine with a discount of 15 dollars).

Steven Zondag 07 December 2014 - 4:49 pm | | links
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