Argentina still plans to issue new 50-peso note?
Remember the special Malvinas / Falklands banknote Argentina was supposed to issue at the end of 2014? Well, the end of the year came and went, but no new note. I had already skipped it from my calendar because I didn't believe anymore the note would actually be issued.
But to my surprise there is now a site from the Central Bank of Argentina describing the new note. An issue date is still not mentioned but it does say that the new notes will coexist along with the current notes. Another surprise is the picture they show of the new note. Subtle differences can be spotted, like the number 50 inside the sun (where in previous images it showed a smiling face).
I'm putting this note back on the calendar! Let's just say it will probably be issued "later this year". The note will be issued next March.

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