New additions week 27 - 2017
A couple of new notes today which I found in the infamous "1 dollar per note" box. Well, it turns out the seller hadn't really been paying attention because some of the notes there had a much higher catalog value. The Russian note in particular was hard to miss because of it's massive size. It's even hard to fit in one of my Leuchtturm Vario 1C folders!
- Germany - 20 mark - P46b
- Germany - 1 million mark - P93
- Poland - 1,000 marek - P29c
- Russia - 500 rubles - P14b.c01

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The picture of the note shown here is a stock photo, not the actual note in my collection (I don’t have a scanner). But thanks for the clarification!
RSFSR is the Russian part of the USSR right? I still kind of see that as Russia, and so does the SCWPM-catalog. So I’m sticking with Russia although I realise it’s not 100% historically correct.
It’s not Russia, It’s RSFSR 500 rubles.
Because Tzar’s notes ends on A? XXXXXX you have ?? XXXXXX.
It is called “Leninskie”