New additions week 28 - 2017
After last weeks discoveries at a local store I couldn't resist and just had to return again. This time with more time than just my lunch break. After going through the mountain of available notes twice I found several other notes I could add to my collection.
- Czechoslovakia: 50 korun (P96a)
- Ukraine: 500 hryven (P23)
- Ukraine: 1,000 Karbovantsiv (P35a2)
- Germany (Empire): 5 Mark (P56a1)
- Germany (Empire): 20 Mark (P57)
- Germany (Weimar): 50,000 Mark (P80)
- Germany (Weimar): 5,000 Mark (P81a)
- Germany (Weimar): 100,000 Mark (P83a2)
- Germany (Weimar): 100 Million Mark (P107e1)
- Germany (Weimar): 50 Million Mark (P109b2)
- Germany (Weimar): 500 Million Mark (P110f)

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