Bolivia gears up for new banknote family

The Banco Central de Bolivia has announced that the first note of the new family of banknotes will be issued in April 2018. The first note will be the 10 bolivianos which will be blue. On the front we will see: Gregoria ApazaEsteban Arze and Fuerte Samaipata. And on the back: a Lucachi monkey, the Arco Iris waterfall and a Parajubaea torallyi palm.

Three months later the 20-bolivianos note will follow and so on until all the notes have been issued. The new notes will be printed by Oberthur Fiduciare SAS who won the tender last year.

Update 29-4-2019: pictures!

Steven Vrijdag 09 Maart 2018 - 4:03 pm | | news
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