Beautiful new notes from Mujand
In 1642 Dutch explorer Abel Tasman was the first European to see the islands he named Staten Land which was renamed in 1645 to Nova Zeelandia after the Dutch province of Zeeland. British explorer James Cook anglicised the name to New Zealand. The coat of arms of the Dutch province of Zeeland shows a half-drowned lion referring to the history of floods (seen on the right). The most recent one happened in 1953 when a catastrophic flood killed over 1800 people in Zeeland and led to the construction of the protective Delta Works.
It is very fitting that the new fantasy series from Mujand, which is called Zealandia, has a major water theme. Zealandia is called "Earth's Hidden Continent". The front of the notes show a flood scene, beautiful women, a very cool seaweed & bubble hologram strip, unique serial numbering and continent topography. The back of the note seems a bit empty on first glance until you realize it shows underwater images and acurately captures the tranquillity and serenity of the underwater world. The notes are printed on polymer, have nice colors and crisp images and come in four denominations. An example of one of the notes can be seen below. The full set can be seen here or ordered here.

Two previous issues have been given an extra note. First is the O-series of Toroguay with a 50-lixo note. The second series is the F2-series of the Tobacco Notes of the Poneet Islands. A 25-kasatu note is now also for sale making this the third note from this series.

Maybe you're reading this and thinking: "what the hell is this guy talking about?? Toroguay, Tobabbo Notes... wait, WHAT?!" Both series are made by the very talented fantasy note designer Celsus Solar and are part of the fantasy world of Mujand. In this world we have on the one hand Blissdane Naive (a fictional planet hosting a variety of nations) and on the other hand Earth with several fantasy series from different countries.
There is a huge variety in notes, stories and artwork. The beauty of these notes can be seen in several series. One of these is the first note (of many I hope) from Yellowstone National Park. The use of colors, the chosen animals and natural phenomena are spot-on. I could totally see these notes selling in the visitor centers at the different National Parks.
All these notes and previous series can be bought in the Mujand Shop.

Disclaimer: these fantasy sets were sent for review purposes. The text is entirely mine and was not paid for or asked for in any way.
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