Theme blog: space and astronomy banknotes

After the recent acquisition of the new Canadian 5 dollar with its space themed backside, I showed the note to a colleague who is also an amateur astronomer and writes for a Dutch blog on astronomy and the world of space exploration. His enthusiasm gave me the idea for a special theme blog on space and astronomy banknotes.

My goal is to compile an overview of banknotes which have a theme or show objects related to space, astronomy, satellites, astronomers, telescopes, observatories and so on. You can find this special blog by clicking the banner on the right or below.

The first three banknotes have been posted:

Steven Maandag 02 December 2013 - 09:39 am | | site info
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Brian DF

I have just come back from Norway and think the best astro bank note must be the 200 kroner note. Google it!

Brian DF, - 07-12-’16 12:46
Steven Bron

You mean this one?

Steven Bron, (URL) - 07-12-’16 15:45
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